Netflix is the ultimate playground for anime enthusiasts, offering a buffet of genres to satisfy every craving. It’s like a stroll through the vibrant gardens of light-hearted comedy, a thrilling adventure of hair-raising action, a heart-fluttering rendezvous with romance, and a spine-chilling exploration into the realms of horror. It’s the one-stop shop for all your animated desires.


10 Best Anime For Teens, Ranked

Some anime shows teens would definitely love to try.

Now, let’s talk about the ultimate Netflix anime guide. We’ve curated the top 25 shows, ensuring a smorgasbord of genres to keep things interesting. It’s not just a list, but your trusty sidekick in the vast anime universe who knows all the hidden gems and is ready to spill the beans on the best anime adventures. Sure, debates might brew about why certain shows made the cut, but we promise it’s a mix as diverse as your ever-changing anime moods.

25 Hell’s Paradise

Why watch Hell’s Paradise?

  • Really impressive Buddhist elements.
  • Great action sequences.
  • MAL Rating: 8.12

Hell’s Paradise, the fresh addition to the animated scene, brought Yuji Kaku’s world to our screens. Even before its debut, whispers hinted that Hell’s Paradise would be a standout release in 2023. Well, guess what? It lived up to the hype, making a grand entrance and securing a prime spot on our must-watch list.

My own life takes top priority, and I’m not planning to die. My whole goal is to survive and make it home. Home to my wife. I’m not about to lay down my life. But I’ll sacrifice whatever it takes otherwise. My ideals, reason, sense, even my humanity.

The supernatural world of Hell’s Paradise follows the journey of Gabimaru, who, along with other assassins, is sent to a mysterious island where the fabled Elixir of Life resides. As beautiful as the island looks, it is equally terrifying, being home to deadly monsters and supernatural beings.

While Hell’s Paradise didn’t burst into popularity like other MAPPA projects, it sure grabbed a cult following. The story of a dark main character who wants to leave the bloodshed behind all for his wife is a touching narrative. MAPPA has beautifully set up the story for Season 2, and if everything goes right, the show will surely grab the attention of more viewers when the next season drops.

Hell’s Paradise: Jigokuraku
Release Date
April 1, 2023
Yuji Kaku
Chiaki Kobayashi , Yumiri Hanamori , Marisa Davila
Yuji Kaku

24 Kaguya-sama: Love Is War

Best Show For Romcom Fans

Why watch Kaguya-sama: Love Is War?

  • A unique take on the romance genre.
  • A great mix of love and psychology.
  • MAL Rating: 8.41

In Kaguya-sama: Love is War, love gets all tangled up when you’re head over heels but too shy to spill the beans. Instead, you find yourself in a twisty situation – secretly wishing the other person would confess first. So, if you’ve ever played the waiting game in matters of the heart, this anime might just hit close to home.

The merit of your courage comes from the intensity of your fear. That’s what true strength is.

Kaguya-sama’s spot on this list is more than enough to tell you that it has great animation. However, what makes this anime best is the on-and-off relationship between the two characters. The cute mind games of both the leads will keep you hooked to the story throughout.

Kaguya-sama: Love Is War is a sweet tale of love that feels more like a playful battleground than a straightforward romance. Council President Miyuki Shirogane and Vice President Kaguya Shinomiya are the students of Shuchiin Academy, who are head over heels for each other but too egoistic to confess first. Thus, they engage in a situation where they try to make the other confess their love first.

23 Parasyte: The Maxim

A Unique Take On Alien Invasion

Why watch Parasyte: The Maxim?

  • Very calculative and strategic battles.
  • Unique approach to alien invasion.
  • MAL Rating: 8.33

If the concept of alien invasion tickles your fancy, then Parasyte: The Maxim might be the show you’re looking for. From creepy body horror to battles that include strategic maneuvers, strange alliances between humans and aliens, and twists so surprising that they widen your eyes, Parasyte is one of the best shows available on Netflix. The anime isn’t that fancy when it comes to action sequences, but it will surely satisfy your hunger to witness a good story.

Shinichi, upon researching the concept of demons, I believe that, among all life, humans are the closest thing to it. Although humans kill and eat a wide variety of life forms, my kind eat merely one or two kinds at most. We are quite frugal in comparison.

An alien going against its own race by siding with a human may sound similar to Venom fans, but let us assure you that Parasyte is nothing like what you’ve seen in Marvel’s famous property. It’s a dark story where there’s a lot at stake, and the show will catch you off guard with its aggravating twists.

The story is about Shinichi Izumi, a regular high school boy who has a chance encounter with a parasitic entity named Migi. Usually, these otherworldly entities try to take control of their prey’s brain, but in Shinichi’s case, Migi’s hand gets contaminated, and thus a new alliance is formed. Together with Migi’s power and intelligence, Shinichi fights other Parasytes to save humanity.

Parasyte: The Maxim
Release Date
October 9, 2014
Sentai Filmworks

22 Hellsing: Ultimate

Great Continuation Of The Original Series

Why watch Hellsing: Ultimate?

  • The series introduces a vampire as the main protagonist.
  • Really intense and bloody battles.
  • MAL Rating: 8.35

If you’re a fan of antiheroes and cool main characters, meet Alucard – the absolute star of Hellsing: Ultimate. What sets this series apart is its lead, a vampire with serious swagger. While many shows paint vampires as the bad guys, Alucard flips the script. He’s not just any vampire; he’s the toughest one around, dedicated to serving his master, Sir Integra.

To become a monster like me, is to admit you were too weak to remain a human.

Of course, we’ve seen our fair share of overpowered protagonists (Yes, we are looking at you, Saitama!); however, Alucard is different. Apart from being incredibly strong, this character features a dark aesthetic. Throughout the series, you’ll be intrigued seeing Alucard’s strange yet effective antics for handling things. Also, we should mention that the music and animation of the series are some of the best in the industry.


10 Most Iconic Abilities In Anime

From My Hero Academia’s AFO to One Piece’s Haki, here are some of the most iconic and legendary abilities we’ve seen in anime.

In the shadowy world of Hellsing: Ultimate, the story unfolds around the Hellsing Organization. Led by the leader of the organization, Sir Integra Hellsing, they combat supernatural threats, particularly vampires. The focal point is Alucard, a powerful vampire under Hellsing’s control, the ultimate weapon of the organization.

Hellsing Ultimate
Hellsing Ultimate
Release Date
February 10, 2006
FUNimation Entertainment.

21 Great Teacher Onizuka

One Of The Best Comedy Series

Why watch Great Teacher Onizuka?

  • A great comical adventure.
  • A show with a lot to learn from.
  • MAL Rating: 8.69

Among Studio Pierrot’s exceptional portfolio, Great Teacher Onizuka holds a unique spot. This action-packed, comedic, and Yanki series hit screens in 2007 with a solid run of 42 episodes. Now, here’s the crazy part – the global love for this show is off the charts. How off? Well, it’s sold a whopping 50 million copies, making it a manga sensation and one of the best-sellers. Great Teacher Onizuka is considered a legendary anime series, and only after a few episodes you’ll realize why. The character arc of Onizuka is spectacular, and even though the old-style animation might throw off new anime fans, the story won’t just let you leave.

We cannot go back to the past, no matter how hard we try. No matter how wonderful it was. The past is nothing but the past.

Eikichi Onizuka, a former gang member, takes on a new role as a high school teacher. With unorthodox methods and a big heart, Onizuka struggles with the complexities of teaching and connects with his students in unexpected ways. But the fun part is why Onizuka decided to become a teacher. Well, he doesn’t want to remain a virgin anymore and got inspired by the teacher’s influence over their students.

Great Teacher Onizuka
Great Teacher Onizuka
Release Date
June 30, 1999
Tooru Fujisawa
Tooru Fujisawa
Where to Read
Weekly Shōnen Magazine

20 Tokyo Revengers

Best Gang-Based Anime

Why watch Tokyo Revengers?

  • The best series with a time-traveling concept.
  • Very realistic depiction of gang wars.
  • MAL Rating: 7.95

Welcome to the world of gang wars with Tokyo Revengers. Ken Wakui’s World of Tokyo Revengers depicts the gangs and their working in an impeccable way, almost like he lived it himself. Well, here’s the surprise twist – he actually did! Talk about a transformation – from a hardcore street gang member to a celebrated writer, Ken Wakui’s journey brings a whole new level of authenticity to Tokyo Revengers.

No matter what kind of hell awaits us… I’ll always be with you until the end.

Of course, not everyone loves the ending of Tokyo Revengers manga, but you have to accept that the popularity of the anime series is off the charts. Most fans will find Takemichi interesting, but it’s Mikey’s character arc that’ll make you fall in love with the series.

Meet Takemichi, who discovers he can time travel. When his ex-girlfriend Hinata gets caught up in gang trouble, he jumps back to his teenage gang days to save her. Making unexpected allies and joining the gang himself, he battles to change the future. Time’s ticking quickly, and Takemichi’s racing to rewrite destiny and save the day.

Tokyo Revengers (TV Show)
Tokyo Revengers
Release Date
April 11, 2021
Main Genre

19 Spy X Family

Great Combination Of Spy, Action, And Comedy

Why watch Spy X Family?

  • Great blend of comedy, action, and espionage.
  • Very lovable characters.
  • MAL Rating: 8.55

Imagine a mix of action, espionage, and comedy that’s just perfect. That’s exactly what you get with Spy X Family. Follow the faux Forger family through their everyday adventures, witness their growing affection for each other, and the moments that will surely split your sides. But let’s not forget about those nail-biting moments of their secret missions either.

The idea that people can reach a mutual understanding just by talking to each other is idealistic at best.

Spy x Family burst into popularity because of its light-hearted narrative. However, what truly made the series stand out is the cute portrayal of Anya. The voice acting and the animation of Anya are so adorable that you won’t ever get tired of watching her on the screen.

Meet Twilight, a suave spy tasked with a unique mission to bring peace among the two nations. Thus, he builds a fake family to infiltrate an elite school to meet Donovan Desmont. He adopts a telepathic girl and marries an assassin, unaware of his real identity. Juggling domestic chaos and espionage, Twilight strives to keep secrets buried.

Spy x Family
Spy x Family
Release Date
April 9, 2022
Main Genre

18 Blue Lock

Great Animation And Plot Twists

Why watch Blue Lock?

  • An amazing psychological thriller series using sports as the medium.
  • Very impressive animation.
  • MAL Rating: 8.29

If you assume Blue Lock is just your regular football anime, think again. This show goes beyond the usual sports anime playbook. Unlike the teamwork-centric norm, Blue Lock throws a curveball – it’s every player for themselves. Not only that, but the show is truly a psychological thriller hiding behind the sports theme.

It’s not enough to simply win. We have to dominate.

Over the years, we’ve seen several sports fans getting into anime because of series like Blue Lock. The anime series truly dives into the minds of soccer players. Even though the story is grounded, the animation and twists will make you feel like you’re experiencing a thriller.


From Bleach To Berserk, These Are The Best Fantasy Manga Ever

Discover the allure of some of the best fantasy manga with gems like Bleach, Hell’s Paradise, and Berserk.

Striker prodigy Yoichi joins Blue Lock, a soccer program with an insane goal – create Japan’s perfect forward. Surrounded by fierce rivals and pushed to his limits by the eccentric program, Yoichi battles for the top spot. Blue Lock is where dreams and ambition clash on the field, forging a soccer legend.

Blue Lock
Blue Lock
Release Date
October 9, 2022

17 Mob Psycho 100

The Show Has A Unique Art Style

Why watch Mob Psycho 100?

  • The show teaches us a lot.
  • Mob Psycho 100 is made by One, the writer behind One Punch Man.
  • MAL Rating: 8.49

Welcome to the world of espers and supernatural stuff with One Psycho 100. The mastermind behind this series is none other than ONE, the genius behind One Punch Man. Now, take a look at Mob – doesn’t he resemble a more compact version of Saitama? He’s the powerhouse in his Mob Psycho world, just like Saitama in One Punch Man. And if you catch those One Punch Man Easter eggs sprinkled in between, it all clicks into place.

Hey, are you living every day to the fullest?

Mob Psycho 100 features an overpowered protagonist, but unlike other heroes, Mob doesn’t want his powers. He cares about the usual stuff: his physique, the girl he likes, and his family. However, one way or another, he gets dragged into the world of Esepers. In that sense, it’s a unique tale that teaches viewers that they don’t need something extraordinary to be happy; most of the time, the ordinary aspects of our lives are truly fulfilling.

Meet Shigeo Kageyama, aka Mob, a seemingly ordinary kid with extraordinary psychic powers. Working for self-proclaimed psychic Reigen, Mob suppresses his emotions to avoid unleashing uncontrollable psychic chaos. Throughout his journey, Mob battles strong espers while seeking his true self and confessing his love to Tsubomi.

mob psycho 100 tag image
Mob Psycho 100
Release Date
July 12, 2016
Main Genre

16 Hellsing

A Unique Show That Features A Vampire As The Main Villain

Why watch Hellsing?

  • The best series with a vampire setting.
  • A quick watch with just 13 episodes.
  • MAL Rating: 7.49

Kouta Hirano’s masterpiece, Hellsing, is the original gem in the franchise, with Hellsing Ultimate playing the spin-off role. If you’re into a world that’s dark, sinister, and drenched in action and dark fantasy, then Hellsing is where you want to be. It’s the ultimate destination for those craving a dose of the eerie and an overdose of heart-pounding action.

These monsters dare to enter this house built on blood and honor! I will see them all roast in the deepest pits of Hell

Hellsing is set in the same universe as Ultimate and features similar characters, but it tells a different story. As expected, the animation in all thirteen episodes is great, and while the story is original, nowhere do you feel that the narrative is misguided. Alucard is charming as always, and the fight sequences and overall aesthetic of England can keep any fan hooked.

In war-torn England, Sir Integra Hellsing commands a group fighting supernatural threats, led by the enigmatic vampire Alucard. With her loyal butler Walter and the newly turned Seras Victoria, they face an escalating undead menace. Discovering a sinister plot, they clash with Millennium, a remnant of Nazi evil.

Hellsing Cover
Release Date
October 10, 2001
Main Genre

15 Naruto

One Of The Best Shonen Anime

Why watch Naruto?

  • One of the best adventure-based anime.
  • Every character is beautifully explored.
  • MAL Rating: 7.99

Naruto isn’t just a show; it’s an emotion for countless anime fans. It’s not only a cherished childhood memory for 90s kids but continues to win the hearts of today’s youngsters. Naruto has been on quite a journey, and with Boruto in the picture, this adventure is far from over. The spirit of Naruto lives on, ensuring that its influence remains strong for years to come.

Hard work is worthless for those that don’t believe in themselves.

The story of Naruto has inspired countless anime series and will continue to do so in the years to come. It’s one of those series that makes you fall in love with the villains as well. Of course, you’d relate to Naruto, the protagonist, but you’ll understand where the bad guys are coming from. Witnessing the journey of Itachi and Pain is an unforgettable experience. If there’s one bad thing about Naruto, it’s that you can’t experience it for the first time again.

Naruto Uzumaki is a young ninja from the Leaf Village who doesn’t seem to be liked a lot by anyone in the village. Why? Well, he’s the vessel to the Nine Tail Fox, a demon responsible for the destruction of the Leaf Village years ago. But despite all the hate and resentment thrown his way, Naruto remains resilient to become the greatest one around and win everyone’s respect.

Naruto Cover
Release Date
October 3, 2002
Main Genre

14 Assassination Classroom

A Show With A Lot To Learn From

Why watch Assassination Classroom?

  • A very unique shonen anime.
  • Assassination Classroom has great lessons to learn.
  • MAL Rating: 8.08

Koro-sensei is not your typical anime protagonist. Forget the lean body and charming looks; he’s a quirky oddball through and through. He has a yellow face resembling a ball, complete with a wide, endearing smile. Strangely enough, hating him would be a Herculean task for fans. He’s the sweetheart of the show, and even though he takes the second spot in the lead lineup, Koro-sensei effortlessly steals the spotlight from the main protagonist.

The difference between the novice and the master is that the master has failed more times than the novice has tried.


10 Best Action Comedy Anime, Ranked

From Pokemon to Gintama, here are some of the best action comedy anime series of all time!

Koro-sensei threatens to destroy Earth and is also responsible for the destruction of the moon. But there’s a catch – he’s also a superb teacher. Assigned to Class 3-E, a group of misfits, Koro-sensei offers an unusual deal: students can try to assassinate him before graduation. It’s a unique story that plays around a very risky idea, and Assassination Classroom handles it really, really well. You’ll learn a lot from Koro-sensei and realize the importance of trust and having a good teacher.

Assassination Classroom Cover
Assassination Classroom
Number of Seasons
Debut Date
January 9, 2015

13 Monster

Monster Has The Best-Written Villain

Why watch Monster?

  • Best criminal and psychological thriller anime.
  • Villain Johan Leibert is considered better than Light Yagami in terms of manipulation.
  • MAL Rating: 8.88

Considered by many as the ultimate seinen anime, Monster excels in characters, story, music – basically everything that makes it a must-watch for anime fans. If you’ve had your fill of superpowers, supernatural tales, and the usual anime fare, Monster is a breath of fresh air. It stands out by keeping its world realistic, providing a completely unique experience.

Once you’re in the darkness, you just sink deeper into it. Keep your light shining.

Monster is a grounded story that features twists and turns that’ll shake to the core. The journey of Doctor Tenma is brutal and unforgiving, and it will keep you guessing until the very end. Johan, the antagonist, is a sadist and possibly one of the best (or shall we say worst) written villains ever, period. It doesn’t matter if you’re into anime or not; you should be watching Monsters if you love a good story.

Dr. Kenzo Tenma is a brilliant surgeon facing a moral dilemma. When he saves a young boy instead of a prominent politician, his life takes a terrible turn. Years later, the same boy he saved, Johan, grows up to be a charismatic but dangerous serial killer, sparking a cat-and-mouse chase between him and Tenma.

Release Date
April 7, 2004
Main Genre

Release Date


Where To Watch

April 7th, 2004



12 Cyberpunk Edgerunners

Best Anime In Cyberpunk Genre

Why watch Cyberpunk Edgerunners?

  • One of the best mecha and cyberpunk anime.
  • Based on one of the most popular video game.
  • MAL Rating: 8.60

Adapted from the hit video game Cyberpunk 2077, Cyberpunk: Edgerunners stood out as the top release in 2022. If you’re even a bit into mechanics, robotics, and mecha stuff, this is a must-watch. With just 10 episodes and no plans for a second season, Cyberpunk: Edgerunners offers a quick binge-watching experience.

You don’t make a name as a cyberpunk by how you live.

When Cyberpunk: Edgerunners was announced, everyone imagined it to be another average anime adaptation of a video game. However, Edgerunners truly surprised everyone with its cinematography, original story, and characters that you can’t help but love. David Martinez is a legendary character for Cyberpunk fans, and he’ll continue to live on in our hearts even though we won’t ever see him in any other TV show or Cyberpunk game.

Cyberpunk: Edgerunners is set in a dystopian future where rebels, known as Edgerunners, explore a tech-infested city. David Martinez, the young protagonist, is desperate for fame and fortune. Tasked with stealing an immortality chip, he faces corporate goons and cyber-enhanced foes, and together with his friends, he saves the city teetering on the edge.

cyberpunk 2077 edgerunners tag image
Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
Release Date
September 13, 2022
Studio Trigger

Release Date


Where To Watch

September 13th, 2022



11 Haikyuu

Why watch Haikyuu?

  • The series redefined the sports genre.
  • Emphasizes a lot on teamwork.
  • MAL Rating: 8.44

Haikyuu is the epitome of the sports genre, riding a wave of immense popularity. It’s not just a hit; it’s one of the best sellers, raking in multiple awards along the way. The secret to its success? Well, the series had a firsthand guide in Haruichi Furudate, the writer, who was part of a volleyball team during high school. His genuine love for sports shines through in every episode.

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

The animation in this show is top-notch, and it’s hard to find anything bad about this show, even when you’re nitpicking. Haikyuu is so amazing that it laid the foundation for more sports-centered shows like Blue Lock.

Haikyuu is a small world focusing on Hinata, a pint-sized volleyball enthusiast who dreams of spiking against the best. Joining Karasuno High’s team, he forms an unlikely partnership with rival Kageyama. Together with the team, Kurasano High wants to gain the glorious name they once had in the volleyball verse.

Release Date
April 6, 2014
Main Genre
Production I.G

10 Vinland Saga

Best Historical Anime

Why watch Vinland Saga?

  • The show redefined the historical genre.
  • Vinland Saga takes a very realistic approach.
  • MAL Rating: 8.75

Historical anime is not a popular genre, but Vinland Saga rewrote the genre and not only became the best of his kind, but the greatest release of its time. Guiding the story and its characters by taking inspiration from real-life historical characters, and mixing it up with his fictional story, Vinland Saga became a legend.

“If you don’t want to die, you can’t kill anyone.


10 Best Short Anime Films, Ranked

Explore the magical worlds of best short anime films with Franz Kafka’s A Country Doctor, Aquatic Language, and Neo Tokyo.

Vinland Saga didn’t get much attention from the fandom, mainly because its first season arrived on Amazon Prime. However, once you watch the first season to its entirety, you’ll feel like you witnessed greatness. Thorfinn isn’t a hero; he’s a misguided teen who craves the blood of the man who killed his father. The boy loses every sense of what his father taught him as he gets blinded by anger, and that’s why it gets harder for you to root for him. Instead, you start rooting for Askeladd, who was introduced as the main antagonist of the series.

Vinland Saga revolves around a young boy named Thorfinn, who seeks revenge for his father’s murder in a Viking world torn by warfare. Joined by legendary figures like Askeladd, Thorfinn faces brutal battles and political challenges. However, his journey takes unexpected turns, completely changing his views on life.

Vinland Saga Tag Image
Vinland Saga
Release Date
July 8, 2019
Wit Studio

9 One Punch Man

Best Combination Of Action And Comedy

Why watch One Punch Man?

  • Instantly lovable main character.
  • A unique approach to the shonen genre.
  • MAL Rating: 8.50

Once you lay eyes on Saitama, you can’t help but fall for him – that’s the charm of this baldy. He’s not just sweet and cute; he’s also lazy, funny, and occasionally serious. Saitama is the kind of best friend everyone wishes for – harmless and fun. But, when he gets serious, he transforms into a walking force of destruction. In a nutshell, Saitama is the full package, making One Punch Man a show that holds a special place in our hearts.

In exchange for power, maybe I’ve lost something that is essential to being human.

Enter the world of One Punch Man, where Saitama, a hero for fun, faces an unusual problem; he defeats any opponent with a single punch, leaving him bored. Seeking a worthy challenge, he joins the hero association, encountering quirky allies and powerful opponents.

One Punch Man-1
One Punch Man
Release Date
October 5, 2015
Main Genre

8 Death Note

Anime With The Best Plot Twists

Why watch Death Note?

  • Considered the best horror psychological thriller anime.
  • Most fans consider Death Note as the best choice for the introduction to anime.
  • MAL Rating: 8.62

We strongly feel that Death Note sets the bar for how amazing psychological thriller shows can get. In each episode and every moment, it keeps you pondering the brilliance behind the strategies and plot twists, well that’s Tsugumi Ohba for you.

This world is rotten, and those who are making it rot deserve to die.

Death Note has been and will continue to be the top show in its genre for years to come – no doubt about it!

High school student Light Yagami gains possession of a supernatural notebook called Death Note. Discovering its deadly power, he sets out to cleanse the world of criminals. However, his quest for justice takes a dark turn when a genius detective, L, challenges him. Thus starts the cat-and-mouse chase between the two prodigies.

Death Note tag image
Death Note
Release Date
October 21, 2007

Release Date


Where To Watch

Oct 21, 2007



7 Naruto: Shippuden

Fast-Paced Compared To Original Series

Why watch Naruto: Shippuden?

  • Better than the original Naruto series.
  • Better villains are introduced.
  • MAL Rating: 8.26

Naruto: Shippuden needs no introduction. After the immediate success of the original Naruto series, its successor, Naruto: Shippuden, shattered records and earned its place as an anime legend. We don’t need to discuss the list of awards and acclaim – the show’s success and impact on the anime world speak for themselves.

Failing doesn’t give you a reason to give up.

Naruto: Shippuden is the next chapter in the ninja saga. The story continues to follow Naruto, now a skilled teen ninja, as he searches for his friend Sasuke alongside Sakura, Kakashi, and his other friends. New and even greater villains are introduced, and Sasuke has sunken more into darkness, but Naruto is still rigid to bring him back to his senses.

naruto shippuden tag image
Naruto: Shippuden
Release Date
February 15, 2007
Main Genre
22 seasons

6 Hunter X Hunter

Inspiration For Many Other Shows

Why watch Hunter X Hunter?

  • Inspired shows like Naruto and Jujutsu Kaisen.
  • A show with no boring episodes.
  • MAL Rating: 9.04

If it weren’t for the declining health of Yoshihiro Togashi, the writer of Hunter X Hunter, the series could have soared even higher, possibly earning its spot among the anime Big Three. After all, this series has left its mark on legends like Naruto and Jujutsu Kaisen, proving its influence in the anime world.

Human potential for evolution is limitless.


10 Biggest Anime Controversies

From Pokemon’s seizure episode to animators complaining about MAPPA’s working conditions, here are some biggest anime controversies.

HxH starts out as a childish show, but it does surprise us with its dark tone as you get to the second and third seasons. The introduction of the Nen abilities unlocks the true potential of Togashi’s story, but it’s the legendary Chimera Ant arc that unleashes greatness.

Gon is a prodigy kid who dreams of exploring the world and following in his missing father’s footsteps by becoming a Hunter. His goal? To find his dad during this exciting journey. To kickstart his adventure, he applies for the Hunter Exam, aiming to become a pro Hunter. Along the way, Gon befriends Killua, Leorio, and Kurapika, each with their own unique motives.

HunterxHunter Cover
Hunter x Hunter
Action, Adventure
Number of Seasons
Debut Date
October 2, 2011
Nippon TV
