
  • Expect a slew of new medieval-inspired weapons in
    DOOM: The Dark Ages
    , from a revamped super shotgun to a skull-crushing minigun.
  • DOOM: The Dark Ages
    is likely to feature a variety of melee weapons, including the return of the Crucible.
  • The trailer teases the Doom Slayer getting to use at least a couple vehicles and mounts.

DOOM: The Dark Ages was announced recently at the Xbox Games Showcase, accompanied by a crunchy trailer that introduces many new and outrageous weapons to the Slayer’s arsenal. As the title suggests, the theme this time around is everything medieval, though DOOM’s interpretation predictably has more in common with dark fantasy and metal album covers than it does with smallpox and Chaucer. Considering all the vicious weapons on display, from rail-guns and chainsaw shields to skull-spitting miniguns, hell’s demons will likely have a poorer life expectancy than even the sickliest tenth-century peasant once the player shows up.

DOOM: The Dark Ages is expected to ramp up the power of its weapons in order to iterate on its predecessors, and it seems that the new title will be returning to the dark ages in every respect but firepower. The latest entries’ gameplay will be inspired by the original DOOM from 1993 – but it’s clear from the sci-fi-Gothic design of the weapons that The Dark Ages will be an aesthetic throwback, too.

10 The Super Shotgun Is Back With A New Gothic Look

The super shotgun is the most iconic weapon in the DOOM series. So iconic, in fact, that it’s shown up in loads of other old-school shooters, from Blood to more recent games like Dusk. The trusty double-barrel has been blasting apart imps and carrying playthroughs since the 90s, so there will be no prizes for predicting its appearance in DOOM: The Dark Ages.

Harder to predict is the manner of the weapon’s return. Forged from dark metal and adorned with spikes, the super shotgun looks meaner than ever. From the trailer, it seems that functionally the gun remains the same, putting craters in everything from zombies to towering Mancubi. This is for the best. Like the wheel, or sharp tools, the super shotgun is one of those early inventions that needs no improvement. It’s about as important to the development of first-person shooters as fire was to human civilization. It ain’t broke, and id Software knows better than to fix it.


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9 The Chainsaw Returns In The Form Of A Boomerang Shield

The Shield Saw blocking incoming fire in DOOM: The Dark Ages

The chainsaw is officially back, albeit in a nearly unrecognizable form. Boasting both offensive and defensive capabilities, the chainsaw is now a versatile and extremely metal shield. The trailer shows the Slayer revving the weapon with a chain, deflecting gunfire back onto enemies, and arcing it through demon-flesh like a very angry boomerang.

The chainsaw is another mainstay throughout the DOOM series, and seemingly takes its place alongside the super shotgun as the Slayer’s basic loadout in The Dark Ages. It appears in the 2016 reboot and DOOM: Eternal as a powerful utility weapon that players can use to spill ammo as well as guts from their enemies. This new shield, on the other hand, is a full-fat weapon that can be used to create opportunities for attack.

8 The Skull Crusher Outdoes Warhammer 40k At Its Own Game

First person shot of the skull crusher gun firing at demons.

Out of all the new weapons, wobbly monsters, and hellish vistas in the new DOOM: The Dark Ages trailer, this cheery cranium-cruncher steals the show. Pretty impressive considering said trailer features both cyborg-dragons and mech-powered Kaiju fights. A minigun of sorts, the skull crusher grinds up entire skulls and spits out the shards of bone like bullets.

Though fearsome, there’s something oddly endearing about The Dark Age’s new crusher. The way the weapon’s frame gently rumbles as the skulls are fed into its grinder is strangely therapeutic. Moreover, the gun seems to be decorated with rows of tiny, adorable skull-shaped stoppers that pop out the sides when it fires. The overall design bursts with absurd personality. While DOOM: The Dark Ages may adhere to a darker aesthetic than the previous two games, this weapon suggests that it retains their playful tone.

7 The Plasma Rifle Is Another Returning Mainstay

Doom The Dark Ages forest gameplay showing first-person content.

Like the chainsaw and super shotgun, the plasma rifle has been around since the very first DOOM. Traditionally a heavy-hitter for the midgame and beyond, the weapon briefly features in the Dark Ages trailer. Its new design is a more muted version of Eternal’s chunky and low-tech model, hewing a little closer to the original 1993 sprite. Like most guns, it can also be dual-wielded alongside the saw shield.

The plasma rifle’s cone of fire appears more concentrated than in previous titles. It’s possible that the gun will be rebalanced for higher accuracy and mid-range engagement of single enemies. It’s unlikely that the narrow plasma beams seen in the trailer would offer much in the way of splash damage, though this might be countered by what seems to be a higher rate of fire.


DOOM: The Dark Ages Coolest Weapon Is Already Playable In Earlier Games Thanks To Fans

DOOM: The Dark Ages’ coolest weapon is already playable in the original game thanks to a quick-thinking and especially talented modder.

6 Get Medieval With The Flail

First person shot of the flail being used in Doom The Dark Ages.

The most overtly medieval weapon in the trailer, this flail suggests a new melee focus for the DOOM series. Its design is brutal and simple, consisting of a large spiked ball attached to a haft by a long chain. Considering the Slayer uses it to whack at a huge tyrant demon in the trailer, it must be pretty powerful at close quarters.

The flail was a real weapon that saw use in the 15th and 16th centuries. Its long reach was chiefly effective against shields, with skilled users able to use the spiked head to rip them from the hands of enemy combatants. Interestingly, it seems the flail will have a similar use in The Dark Ages. In the trailer, the Slayer takes advantage of the weapon’s reach to bypass the tyrant’s shield and open it up for a vicious counterattack. It’s clear that the gaming scene has been turned on its head when Kingdom Come: Deliverance is competing with DOOM for medieval realism.

5 Decorate The Battlefield With A Suspiciously Quake-Like Nailgun

A first person shot of the Doomslayer wielding the nailgun.

DOOM: The Dark Age’s nailgun continues a timeworn tradition in gaming that was first hinted at in Quake, but really pioneered by the crossbow in 2004’s Half Life 2. Fixing an enemy to a nearby wall, tree, or another enemy with a well-placed nine-inch nail never really gets old – something that id Software clearly understands.

It’s interesting to note that the hapless demon’s corpse in the trailer has the same giddy, weightless physics that have remained largely unchanged in video games since the days of Valve’s first Source engine. This is by no means a bad thing. Whether these physics will reach the incredible heights of the FromSoftware games remains to be seen, but watching the Doom Slayer try to free his ankle from the flapping body of a cyberdemon would certainly be a memorable addition to the canon.


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4 Take To The Skies With A Cyborg Dragon Mount

Cybernetic Dragon in DOOM Dark Ages.

At the end of the trailer for The Dark Ages, the Doom Slayer flies over battlements on the back of a cyborg dragon, and in a later post-title shot, clings to the beast as it belches fire down the throat of a colossal demon. Aerial combat probably isn’t what most fans expect from the DOOM series, but it’s definitely an impressive spectacle. The dragon’s prominence in the trailer suggests that it will see some use outside scripted events and boss battles, which is heartening.

The design of the creature itself is fantastic. Those with keen eyes will notice that it is not actually a real dragon, but rather some poor reptilian animal that somebody has outfitted with guns and holographic wings. Part of what makes the new game’s aesthetic so compelling is that this is a high-tech world that only superficially resembles the Middle Ages. It’s an uncomfortably artificial setting, engineered as much for the Slayer as it is for the player.

3 Potential Environmental Traps That Take A Leaf From Dark Messiah

A shot of a demon leaping beside a spiked barricade.

Scattered throughout the trailer are low-swinging chains and spiked barricades that could behave as environmental traps. The chain can be seen during the first glimpse of the skull crusher, while the barricade is used later as a meat-canvas for the nailgun. Combined with a potential kick move (demonstrated when the Slayer battles the tyrant), it’s possible that DOOM: The Dark Ages features a sandbox approach to combat in the vein of the 2006 Arkane title Dark Messiah.

Dark Messiah, another dark fantasy game, isn’t brought up all that often anymore, but enjoys a cult status thanks to its satisfying environmental combat. Players can kick, throw, and trip the game’s orcs into a variety of spiky things and physics objects. DOOM’s cavalier approach to violence makes it a perfect fit for such a system, and with the Dark Age’s confirmed emphasis on melee combat, these demon ragdolling fantasies may yet become reality.


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2 Rip & Tear The Biggest Guts With A Mech Suit Straight Out Of Pacific Rim

Mech from Doom The Dark Ages shot from below.

In a particularly memorable bit of the trailer, the Doom Slayer climbs into an enormous mech suit and punches a giant demon in the face. It’s a bizarre and thrilling scene, one that at first glance seems to contradict the assertion that the series is returning to its roots, but actually demonstrates the same enthusiastic blend of stupidity and satisfying feedback that fueled the finest 90s shooters. DOOM is one of those rare series where the least subtle option is usually the best. Boxing a demon is great – but doing it with a giant robot is even better.

Like the cyborg dragon that appears later in the trailer, the mech appears to be a vehicle that the player can use to navigate certain levels. Perhaps these vehicles will be involved in elaborate set pieces, or maybe they will offer increased mobility within bigger and more open-ended levels. Even if The Dark Ages does away with the labyrinthine maps of its classic 1993 ancestor, retaining the original’s non-linearity would be an excellent excuse to make full use of these new vehicles.

1 New Melee Weapons Are Confirmed, More Details Likely Coming

Slayer holding up the Crucible sword from Doom Eternal.

In an interview with GamesRadar, creative director Hugo Martin mentions that there are “melee weapons” in The Dark Ages that can be used in combos with the saw shield. While it’s possible he’s referring solely to the flail, the plural of “weapons,” and the high likelihood that a game modeled after medieval fantasy would include a sword, suggests that the new game will feature more than one melee weapon. The Middle Ages saw the use of dozens of different spears, axes, and blunt instruments, but some are so iconic that they are sure to be included in a medieval DOOM game.

First off, DOOM: The Dark Ages is almost certain to include the Crucible, the Doom Slayer’s legendary sword from his time as a Night Sentinel. Featured in DOOM: Eternal, the weapon behaves in that game as a more powerful version of the chainsaw. Some variation on a battleaxe or halberd is also feasible, but an overhauled Crucible with combos and more versatile uses is the most obvious choice.

Source: GamesRadar

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