Wyatt Sicks shows up, Howdy/Dallas interview, Priest & Balor teases tension, Zoey & Drew qualifies, Liv retains and much more!!!

The July 1, 2024 episode of Monday Night Raw is officially over and it is the final episode of Raw before Money in the Bank PLE. WWE has showcased some of the interesting matches and segments for the show including the last MITB qualifying matches. Get to know what happened this week on the Money in the Bank Go-Home episode of Raw, as we came out with the complete show summary, highlights, results and winners list.

WWE Raw Summary & Highlights

Jey Uso, Chad Gable

Jey Uso kicks-off Monday Night Raw and he is ready to become Mr. MonYEET in the Bank. Chad Gable interrupts him. Gable says he is a miracle as he came back from Wyatt Sicks attack, recovered from his family leaving him and surviving two of the monsters to qualify for the MITB. Jey says that how is Gable still alive after Wyatt Sicks attack and Gable says that Jey should have be attacked by the Wyatts as Jey stole their fireflies and also left his family. Jey said he told them to take the fireflies back and claims that he did the same thing that Gable’s family did.

Gable and Jey picks the fight, where Jey put Gable down with a super kick and went for the top rope.

Wyatt Sicks & Chad Gable

Wyatt Sicks & Chad Gable(Courtesy: WWE)

Gable escapes, but lights went off to play Uncle Howdy’s music. Gable tries to escape through the audience area, but he Wyatts surround him. Gable escapes. Nikki Cross gave the parcel to Michael Cole and the securities are down already.

Michael Cole opened the parcel and it has another VHS tape in it. He gave it to the production truck to play it later on the show.

Xavier Woods vs Karrion Kross

Karrion Kross tries to shake hands with Xavier Woods, but Woods chops him up. Kross is fired up locking him in the corner and with a throw. Both exchange hands, but Kross is powered up. Woods sends Kross out and took him down with a springboard crossbody. Both tried to send each other face first to the ring post, but Kross smashed Woods’ back to the post to take control of the match.

After the commercial, both exchange chops in the middle of the ring. Woods is fired up and takes care of Kross with punches to the face and a superkick. Kross hit a headbutt and went and Woods with a overhead kick went for thr top rope, but Kross hit him with a right elbow. Kross lifts Woods up and Woods rolled him for a win.

After the match, AOP attacked The New Day. Kofi sent them outside rhe ring and tried to jump over them, but Kross with a Kross Hammer took Kofi down and he tries to break Kofi’s hand. Xavier Woods is taken out by AOP, and they threw him over the barricade.

Backstage- The Judgment Day

Damian Priest asks Dominik Mysterio to end everything with his Dad tonight. He asks him whether he spoke to Rhea Ripley and Dom says yes and everything is fine. But Priest says he just spoke to Rhea, but she is not okay, she is upset with Dom. Dom says that he will fix things tonight, but Priest yells him that he says this every week and doing nothing.

As both went to the club house, Liv Morgan was hanging out with Judgment Day. Priest asks why she is here. She says that she is here to say Dom good luck for his match. Finn Balor takes Priest from them to talk and asked him why he said that he said to Seth that he doesn’t want Judgment Day and only they want him. Priest tries to explain, but Balor said thar Priest has changed after winning the World Championship.

Women’s World Championship Match- Liv Morgan (C) vs Zelina Vega

Women’s World Championship- Liv Morgan (C) vs Zelina Vega
Women’s World Championship- Liv Morgan (C) vs Zelina Vega(Courtesy: WWE)

Liv Morgan takes down Vega and Vega fights back with three arm drag take down. Liv took Vega to the ropes and locks her neck. Vega escapes Liv and delivered a 619 to Liv’s leg. Liv sends Vega down. Dominik makes his way to the ringside. Vega delivered Meteora on Liv from the apron. Rey Mysterio follows Dom to the ringside area.

Back after commercial, both took the fight to the ring and Liv hits Three Amegos and cosplays Dom and Eddie. Liv deliveres Ripley’s submission Meneuver on Vega, but Vega escapes. Vega with a series of leg strikes taked Liv down and delivered a Moonsault from the top rope, but Liv kicks-out. Vega looks for Code Red, but Liv escapes.

Liv blows a kiss to Dom and Cole claims thar Dom has a smile. Fans want Dom to take his moustache. In the ring, Vega delivered a Code Red from the top rope, but Liv rolled out to save herself. Vega chases Liv out. Rey pushed Dom down and Liv slide kicks Rey down. Vega delivered a 619 and Tornado DDT on Liv, but not enough for the win.

Dom throws the chair to the ring,l to help Vega, but Vega took Dom down with the chair. Liv is angry on taiking her Daddy Dom down and delivered a ObLivian on Vega for the win to retain her Women’s World Championship.

She walks backstage following Dom. Cathy Kelly interviewed her on the ramp, where Liv said that she dedicates all her win to Daddy Dom.

Seth Rollins, Finn Balor & Damian Priest

Seth Rollins, Finn Balor & Damian Priest
Seth Rollins – Finn Balor & Damian Priest(Courtesy: WWE)

Seth Rollins welcomes everyone to Monday Night Rollins. He is excited to be back on Raw as the World Heavyweight Champion again after Money in the Bank. He says Boston is a championship city. Rollins needs to win the world title and doesn’t want to be the second. He need to win because he doesn’t want to wait until Priest loses it. Rollins looks to take Priest from Judgment Day. He says that without Judgment Day we could see the best version of Priest, when he leaves thr faction.

Finn Balor interferes Seth Rollins. He is not happy today. Balor says that everything around is changing and Priest is changed. Balor blames Rollins for Priest’s change. Rollins doesn’t want Balor to be in the ring, as Seth could stomp Balor’s head off.

Damian Priest interferes. Priest doesn’t want Balor to get involved in Priest’s business. Balor attacked Rollins from the back. Priest pulls Balor and asks him to leave, but Rollins drop kicks both and stomps Balor’s head. Priest then hit the South of Heavens Chokeslam on Rollins and checked Balor and escorted him backstage.

On backstage, Damian Priest asks Finn Balor to stay away from the match, as Priest wants to take Rollins all by his own.

Ludwig Kaiser Video Package

Women’s Money in the Bank Qualifying Match- Dakota Kai vs Zoey Stark vs Ivy Nile

Women’s Money in the Bank Qualifying Match- Zoey Stark vs Dakota Kai vs Ivy Nile
Women’s Money in the Bank Qualifying Match- Zoey Stark vs Dakota Kai vs Ivy Nile(Courtesy: WWE)

All the three exchange strikes and counters each other’s moves. Kai kicks Nile’s head outside the ring. Zoey hit Dakota Kai with a slide kick. Nile took both with a kick to Zoey Stark and a punch to Kai. Nile tries for a corner splash, but Kai chased her to kick her mid-section and Zoey hit Kai with a missile drop kick. With all the three down, commercial breaks out.

Back after commercial, all the three are on the top rope, where Ivy Nile delivered a double bulldog on both her opponents. Nile is fired up and takes both her opponent in control with two German Suplex and the third delivering to both at the same time.

Nile kicks Kai to the face and Zoey with a suplex turning her upside down. Kai breaks the pin and delivered a Scorpian Kick on Stark. Zoey follows with a big knee and them goes after Nile. However Kai hit a Kai-Ropractor on Zoey, but Nile breaks.

Nile took Kai to her shoulder and Kairi Sane came to distract her. The Women’s tag team champions took Kairi down. This distracted Kai and Zoey hit Kai with a Z-360 for the win to qualify for the Women’s Money in the Bank ladder match.

Uncle Howdy Video Package

Chad Gable & Alpha Academy

Chad Gable meets Otis saying that the Wyatt Sicks are talking about him and want Otis back. Gable apologizes to him and wants to reunite with him. Otis says that it is not his problem. Gable says that it could happen for them, if that happens he will be there for them. 

Dominik Mysterio vs Rey Mysterio

Rey Mysterio vs Dominik Mysterio
Rey Mysterio vs Dominik Mysterio(Courtesy: WWE)

Both lock hands and Dom drops Rey down with a takedown. Rey with a takedown sends Dom out. Rey from the apron hit Hurricanrana on Dom to the barricade.

After the commercial, Dom took control of Rey and pounding on Rey. Dom with a Flying back elbow takes down Rey and bully slaps Rey’s head. Dom sends Rey to the turnbuckls and takes complete control of Rey. However, Rey fights back blowing Dom’s head to the turnbuckle, follows by a seated senton and a springboard crossbody.

Rey looks to climb the ropes, but Liv Morgan ran to the ringside. The distraction made Dom gain control, by locking Rey with the Boston Crab and followed by two amegos. Rey put Dom in the position for 619, but Liv saves her. Rey slide kicks Dom and she lands on Liv. Liv tries to be romantic, but Rey pulls him.

Liv tried to distract Rey, but Zelina Vega took her down. Dom delivers a 619 to Rey and went for the top rope and Zelina pulled Liv’s leg making Dom hit his groin on the ropes. Rey uses it to deliver a 619 and the splash for the win. After the match, Liv apologizes to Dom and says that she will fix it for Dom.

Face off- Sami Zayn & Bron Breakker

Sami Zayn is good to be here in Boston as the Intercontinental Champion. He claims that he is not a fool. He is hearing the buzz that Bron will run over him. But Sami guaranteed the WWE Universe that Sami gonna beat Bron Breakker.

Bron Breakker interrupts. He says that he has respect for Sami Zayn for stepping up to him and offer him a title shot. He said that Sami might have gutts or he might not known him. Breakker says that the respect on Sami will be out of the window, when he break Zayn and take the IC title from him. Sami says a lot of people told that they could beat him, but they failed. Sami will prove why he is the IC Champion and why Breakker lags what it takes to be the champion.

Breakker spears Sami, breaking him in half. Breakker takes long steps to spear him outside the ring, but Sami jumps to make Breakker hit shoulder first to the steel steps. Sami takes Breakker to the ring and hit an Exploder Suplex. While looking for the Helluva Kick, Breakker speared him again and poses with the title.

Damage CTRL interview

Dakota Kai was interviewed about her loss. She says that nothing gonna affect IYO from winning the MITB for the second time in a row. Lyra Valkyria confronted them and said that she will climb the ladder faster than SKY to win the Briefcase. As they yell each other, Lyra Valkyria, Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn took Damage CTRL for a fight and officials seperated them.

Men’s Money in the Bank Qualifying Match- Drew McIntyre vs Ilja Dragunov vs Sheamus

Men's Money in the Bank Qualifying Match- Drew McIntyre vs Ilja Dragunov vs Sheamus
Men’s Money in the Bank Qualifying Match- Drew McIntyre vs Ilja Dragunov vs Sheamus(Courtesy: WWE)

Drew gave Michael Cole to take care of the bracelet, which he took from CM Punk, before the match. Sheamus and Drew McIntyre argue with eac mh other, when Drgunov tries to enter into the fight, Drew pushes him down twice.

Ilja Dragunov took McIntyre down with the drop kick. Dragunov and Sheamus start the match inside rhe ring and the Dragon took control of Sheamus. Sheamus fights back delivering back breaker on both his opponents and sends Dragunov out of the ring.

Drew took Sheamus to the audience side. Dragunov delivered a step up enzigiri on Drew, but Drew bangs Dragunov’s back to the ring post. Sheamus is back and he hit ten beats to the bodhran on Drew before the commercial.

Back after the commercial, all the three took the fight to the ring. Draguniv hit a step up enzugiri and Drew hit a couple of vertical suplex on Dragunov. Drew tries for a corner splash, but Sheamus escapes and hit a flying clothesline from the top rope. Dragunov is fired up chopping both his opponents and with a step up kick. Dragon kicks on Drew’s head from the top rope and hit the H-Bomb on Sheamus from the apron.

Dragunov hit a senton on Drew from the top rope and delivered H-Bomb on Drew, but came short in the fall. Sheamus dragged Dragunov out of the ring and slams him to the barricade. After the commercial, all the three men went to the top rope, where Ilja took Drew with a German Suplex and Drew hit a Vertical Superplex to Sheamus.

Dragunov took Sheamus out and tries for Torpedo Mascow  on Drew, but Drew hit him with a Glasgow kiss and looks for Claymore. However Dragunov countered with the Torpedo Mascow Drew to send him out. Dragunov went for coast to coast on Sheamus, but he caught him with a knee strike.

Sheamus hit a Brogue kick on Dragunov, but Drew breaks the fall and sent him to the time keepers area. Sheamus and Drew fought inside the ring, where Sheamus looks for the Brogue, but Drew hit the Claymore on Sheamus to win the match.

After the match, Drew announced that he will win the MITB and leave MITB as the World Heavyweight Champion. He then weared CM Punk’s bracelet and went for celebration.

WWE Raw Results

  • Xavier Woods defeated Karrion Kross by pinfall.
  • Liv Morgan defeated Zelina Vega by pinfall to retain the Women’s World Championship.
  • Seth Rollins & Damian Priest had the final face-off before their match at Money in the Bank.
  • Zoey Stark defeated Dakota Kai and Ivy Nile to qualify for the Women’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match.
  • Sami Zayn and Bron Breakker had the final face-off before their match at Money in the Bank.
  • Rey Mysterio defeated Dominik Mysterio by pinfall.
  • Drew McIntyre defeated Sheamus & ilja Dragunov to qualify for the Men’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match.

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