Can you feel it? There is a discernible chill in the air, which wasn’t nearly so sharp a week ago. An urge to soothe the soul with chicken noodle soup fills the space where, just a few short months ago, there was a yearning for sea salt and sun. The want to stay in, draw the curtains, lower the lights and watch Practical Magic becomes insatiable, as does your need to wear all things woollen, leather and rich in colour. If this sounds in any way like how you’re feeling right now, there’s no doubt about it: you are an autumn, and you’re in good company.

Autumn is deeply rooted in nostalgia in a way that no other season quite compares and has long been my favourite of the four. Indeed, for fashion lovers, autumn is a playground of textures and layers, deep hues and cosy fabrics. It’s also a time when style choices carry the weight of memories—of back-to-school excitement (if you get the reference “bouquets of sharpened pencils”, you’re my kind of person), the smell of fallen leaves, the first outing for that beloved coat pulled from the depths of your wardrobe.